I can recall years ago when I thought I was the only person ever having the desire to cross dress. How naive I was at that time! I have read a good deal about the subject since then. I never had any feeling of guilt about cross dressing and have always derived the greatest enjoyment from it, so I never felt any necessity for con- sulting a psychiatrist.
It was a very special event for me when I first re- ceived a copy of TRANSVESTIA. I look forward most keenly to receiving each issue of the magazine. I would hate to have to get along without it. I consider it a great achievement on the part of Virginia to have pro- duced such a fine magazine, and especially considering the obstacles she had to overcome, regarding Post Office regulations etc. I feel she is a real genius. I have a fair idea as to the tremendous amount of hard work it must take to get out a magazine like this, and single handed at that!
Best regards,
Phyllis (5-W-2)
My Dear Editor:
For the first time in my life, I have the certainty that I am not alone, thanks to your magazine. A won- derful old girl here in Montreal, a TV, has lent me опе of your magazines dated May 1960 Erica has encourag- ed me to write to you, she has always thought of me as a boy and I do feel that I am a member of our great in- ternational fraternity: Now you may use my letter in your magazine and my name if you wish. I have nothing to be ashamed of and this letter may help other persons in my condition towards a better understanding of them- selves, and a happier life, without shame or guilt.
I am
a woman, 38 years old and my daughter is 12 years old. I was only married for a period of 13 months when my husband got killed, but had he lived, our mar- riage would not have turned out well anyway because he never understood my masculine tendencies. However, I wanted very much a daughter and although she is only 12,